e premte, 15 qershor 2007

This Bitch's Lobby: 50 Year Old Men Who Live In Their Mother's Basements

Evidence of the wussification of America abundant everywhere.

As the saturation coverage of Paris Hilton inundated America a week ago, I couldn't help but watch or listen to one or two of the press conferences. As I caught a fleeting glimpse of coverage of Paris Hilton being hauled into court last Friday, Fox had microphones and video that caught a male voice yelling somewhere in the background, "No, No, No, No, No" when he heard that Paris had been, "remanded" back to prison. See video here: http://www.glumbert.com/media/parisfan

Initially I thought it might have been her father or some other relative. Wrong. It was one of her male supporters, probably in his fifties, holding a sign over his head saying, "Liberate Paris." You have got to be kidding me.

To paraphrase the inimitable Robin Williams, "The end of American society isn't here yet, but you can definitely see it from here.:

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